Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 29.06.2013
- О себе
- kkkStarted in 2009 as group for fans of Rome Total War, we grew a lot and thanks to you we are now one of the biggest Total War group available.
We are here to give you the opportunity to share your passion to Total War with other fans aswell as keeping you up-to-date about your franchise as a hub.
In addition to that we also began a new role as a Steam curator, so expect to find reliable reviews for TW games and beyond.
All Total War games:
- Shogun Total War
- Shogun Total War: Mongol Invasion
- Medieval Total War
- Medieval Total War: Viking Invasion
- Rome Total War
- Rome Total War: Barbarian Invasion
- Rome Total War: Alexander
- Medieval 2 Total War
- Medieval 2 Total War: Kingdoms
- Empire Total War
- Napoleon Total War
- Total War: Shogun 2
- Total War: Shogun 2: Rise of The Samurai
- Total War: Shogun 2: Fall of The Samurai
- Total War: Rome 2
- Total War: ATTILA
- Total War: Warhammer
- Total War: Warhammer 2
- Total War: Three Kingdoms
- Total War Rome Remastered - Announced
- Total War: Arena (wargaming.net based)
- Total War Battles: Shogun
- Total War Battles: Kingdom
Rome Total War mods:
- Diadochi Total War
- Roma Surrectum II
- Europa Barbarorum
- Rome Total Realism
- Rome Total Realism VII: Fate of Empires
- Lord of The Rings Total War
Medieval 2 Total War mods:
- Election Total War
- Third Age Total War
- Europa Barbaourum II
Total War: Rome II
- Toons All in One Mod
- DeI (Divide et Impera)
Rome total war [world players] - youtube channel
There can be only one Total War - don't expect to survive.
The American election in a total war editionNo information given.No information given.