(Saige Walker)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 27.06.2013
- Страна
- US
- О себе
- Streaming as much as possible over at www.twitch.tv/saige312
Add me if you want, just be chill.Overview
Task Force 72 is a international tactical gaming community with members from all over the globe. Structure and teamwork are the focus of who we are. We expect all our members to act with integrity and respect. Our goal is to not only to enjoy our gaming time but to be an organized fighting unit in whatever game we play. Our focus games are ARMA III, and DayZ.
Our community hosts several weekly events such as qualifications and drills. Once a month we host a large public operation to showcase the Task Force and invite the ARMA community to our servers.
Community Features
*50 Slot Teamspeak.
*Five divers ARMA III servers.
*Earn Ranks, Qualifications and Awards.
*Display your rank, qualifications and awards on the Task Force website.
*Task Force Units ranging from Rangers, Seal Team, Special Air Service and Combat Support Squadrons.
* We expect our members to be mature, 18+.
* We take both recruits and veterans to ARMA III, ARMA II and DayZ
* You must have a microphone and be willing and able to talk on Teamspeak 3
* You must be willing to follow the chain of command and place the team first.
* You must maintain a presence on our website in order to maintain membership status.
Website: Task Force 72[www.Taskforce72.com]
Teamspeak: TF72.TS3DNS.COM
Task Force 72 - Tactical Gaming Community[www.taskforce72.com]
Sister Group: MisFits Survival Gaming Community[www.misfitssurvival.enjin.com]No information given.No information given.