Resident Evo
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 17.06.2013
- Страна
- VA
- О себе
- Monolith
I really didn't want to make this steam group because I don't think what I do is that special, but I feel really bad turning down friend requests from people I've played with, especially when I have dozens of them to comb through each time I stream.
If you want to talk with me or have easy access to me when I'm online/in-game, feel free to use this group. Below is some information that might be helpful.
"How do I get my free hat?
Find me in-game when I'm streaming (usually when my name is my twitch URL) TF2. Dominate me (by killing, assisting, or any combination of the two four times in a row) and you get a free hat. No strings, no Gibuses, just whatever I have to give you.
"Do I get to choose my hat?"
No, because people will just pick my HOUWAR every time. Also, giving you choices means more time spent on the trading screen than in-game. If you're deadset on taking a cosmetic from my BP that I'm willing to part with (the list is pretty big) and get the domination, I'm willing to give you what you want specifically. ex. I've had requests for MvM tickets or weapons, which while unorthodox would still be fine depending on what's requested.
"What should I call you?"
'Hats' or 'FreeHats' is fine. My regular user tag on Steam is Carr, if you find the former awkward.
"How often do you stream?"
My schedule changes depending on what college classes I schedule. Regardless, I stream a couple of days a week. Might consider less at the rate I'm giving out hats.
"Can I do anything to help out your stream/donate?"
The only type of donations I accept are hats/cosmetics. I find it obnoxious how most Twitch streamers see streaming as purely a form of revenue with multiple Paypal links and such to improve the "quality" of the stream. Some people have even turned my gimmick against me and offer the same reward back if I dominate them in-game, which I always am willing to take anyone up on.
In short, I don't want your money. I don't want to make streaming my job. I just want to bring a small bit of enjoyment to TF2 for you guys, where RNG and a rigid digital item market has skewered players' outlook on TF2 as a whole.
The Twitch Channel Where All The Magic Happens[www.twitch.tv]
My abysmal YouTube channel I haven't posted on in a year.No information given.No information given.