Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 27.05.2013
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- "A batalha não necessita de um proposito, a batalha é o proposito,
voçê não se pergunta porque um campo queima ou uma peste se propaga.
Então não me pergunte porque luto."Edit your Profile, Create Clan or Team Groups, Live chat with your friends, Upload your Videos and Photos or Enter Private Forums, All those Features are Available at http://www.gamersbook.com ! If that is not Enough, We are Adding Gamersbook TV that will stream all matches and clanwars as well as raids in MMO's and we are going to organize huge Lan and Online Tournaments ! So, Jump in and join the Community that tends to unite Worldwide Gamers !
Gamersbook DOTA 2 Workshop
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