Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 20.05.2013
- Страна
- CN
- О себе
- 楽しいHello and welcome to Equestria Gaming, a growing group of bronies that play games from all over. We will gladly meet and greet new members as they come in. Have fun!
Group Tag (Optional): [EQG]
Group Rules - Do not spam anywhere.
- Do not cause negative drama. (Flaming, naming and shaming, etc.)
- Do not advertise without express permission from an administrator.
- Do not beg to receive a rank. You will earn it.
- Do not "talk politics."
- Only dank memes are allowed.
Discord[discord.gg] - https://discord.gg/NjY5Uq4
GCinema[www.gcinema.net]No information given.No information given.