The Sus Guy

The Sus Guy

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BepisYour guide and portal for everything relating to Kurds and Kurdistan, striving to give you the best information and explanations regarding the Kurdish struggle for independence. We welcome all nationalities, colors and creeds to join us in our bid to raise awareness.
Ethnicity — The Kurds are an Indo-Iranian people who have unjustly been left stateless following the Treaty of Lausanne on the 24ᵗʰ July 1923.
Homeland — Kurdistan is recognized as the homeland & nation of the Kurds; spanning the mountainous overlap between Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran.
Population — Estimates of the Kurdish population vary greatly, but 32-40 million is the most acknowledged value. The census for Kurds is very difficult to determine, as their host countries like to underestimate the number of Kurds residing in their territories.
History — Kurds have ethnically diverse origins, but references to Kurds date back to the 3ʳᵈ millennium BC, whilst Kurdish states, principalities and sovereignty date back to the 10ᵗʰ century AD.
Berxwedan jîyanê, serhildan jîyanê — Resistance is life, rebellion is life
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