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О себе

"...for they did not lack courage. They just needed practice."

Some of my favorite games are the Mass Effect and Tomb Raider series.
Also Skyrim-! and I like Indie games very much.

Joined Steam in 2013 to play Civ V.

Thank you for visiting my profile page.
I hope you have a good day!

No links in the comments please.
No private profiles added unless we already know each other.

....................................................................................................................................................................Welcome!We are an international group dedicated to virtual photography and the appreciation of great art found in video games.

Check out our main threads below for posting your screenshots:
Screenshot Sharing Thread (No HUD)

New member or a returning veteran? Introduce yourself here!

Looking to get some advice on your shots? Check out our Critique Thread.
Make sure to read our Rules before you post.

Disclaimer: Do not post rate 4 rate, like 4 like, comment 4 comments, awards or anything similar. Do yourself a favor and stop obsessing over some arbitrary rating system attached to your screenshots, that's not what this group is about.

These sort of comments will get deleted and repeated offenders will be banned.

Group Icon: "The Tale of the Haunted Lighthouse" by Vikster

Dead End Thrills[www.deadendthrills.com]
Framed Game Guides[framedsc.com]
ReShade[reshade.me]No information given.No information given.