(gustavo aramburu)
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 29.03.2013
- Страна
- AR
- О себе
- No information given.The birth of a new religion has come. Join now and you shall live a path towards righteousness.
Positions of power:
Delorian: The Messiah
Mouth of Delorian: The Pope
Mr. Irrelephant: The Advisor
Skill: Leader of the Military
Jety: The Missionary
Industrial Chicken: The Inquisitor
BestSwedishNoob: High Justice head of the Judiciary System.
Loslie McLad: Leading ambassador of the clan Clan McLad who are currently at war against the heretics The King Arse Guard. The Lord Delorian strongly suggests you to support this just cause and join the Clan McLad to bolster their strength and numbers. Loslie McLad represents Clan McLad within Delorianism.
The rest of you are all followers! March forth and multiply!
Important dates:
18th February: Military Ceremonial day
27th March: The Advisor Election day (Next election in 2019) Help he has taken over and become a dictator! Democracy has fallen
25th May: Norman day
1st August: Delorian day
5th September: Phoenix Trust day
10th September: Delorianism day
24th November: Saint Mercury day
There are currently no giveaways for now
(Also please don't advertise your own giveaways if they are not for Delorianism)
Any who are part of the steam group THE KING ARSE GUARD or are affiliated with them are automatically deemed a heretic.
(Over 2000 members, it's time for a bigger cathedral)