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- Дата регистрации
- 03.03.2013
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- BR
- О себе
- "é tipo o domingão do faustão, só que sem o faustão... e sem o domingo"
- Thiago Godinho, 2k17.We are the legions of those who submit themselves to the Lord, We know duty, discipline, honor and pride for only one thing; Servitude of the Creator, the one, he who does not beget and who is not begotten, He who's throne is made of raw power and excelence, perfect and commander of the prophets and angels peace be upon them.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..
Peace be upon all of you ..
الحمدلله الذي جعل تعظيم شعائره من تقوى القلوب نحمده سبحانه وتعالى ونستهديه ونستغفره ونساله ان يمن علينا بالتقوى التي تقينا عذاب الله في نار جهنم؟ونوصي انفسنا جميعا بتقوى الله العظيم وطاعته؟ونحذرها من مخالفته وعصيان اوامره؟له العتبى حتى يرضى ولاحول ولا قوة الابه
Praise be to Allah who made to maximize the rituals from the piety of hearts, we praise Him Almighty and guide us God and ask forgiveness from God and ask Him to bless us piety that protect us the punishment of Allah in the fire of hell, and we recommend ourselves all to fear Allah the great and obey him, and beware of violating and disobeying his orders, his threshold until satisfied There is no power but from allah
أشهد ان لا اله الا الله , وأشهد ان محمدا رسول الله
I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah..
Şahitlik ederim ki, Allah'tan başka hiçbir İlâh yoktur, ve yine şahitlik ederim ki Muhammed, O'nun kulu ve elçisidir.
Ich bezeuge, dass es keinen Gott gibt außer Allah und ich bezeuge, dass Muhammad der Gesandte Allahs ist
Eu testemunho que não há Deus senão Alá e eu testemunho que Muhammad é o Mensageiro de Deus
Je témoigne qu'il n'ya de Dieu qu'Allah et je témoigne que Muhammad est le Messager d'Allah
मैं गवाह है कि वहाँ कोई भगवान लेकिन अल्लाह है भालू और मैं गवाह है कि मुहम्मद अल्लाह के मैसेन्जर है भालू
אני להעיד כי אין אלוהים מבלעדי אללה אני להעיד כי מוחמד הוא שליחו של אללה
Ја сведочим да нема Бога осим Аллаха и свједочим да је Мухаммед је Аллахов Посланик
Jag vittnar om att det inte finns någon Gud utom Allah och jag vittnar att Muhammed är Allahs budbärare
I μαρτυρούν ότι δεν υπάρχει Θεός, αλλά ο Αλλάχ και εγώ μαρτυρία ότι ο Μωάμεθ είναι ο Αγγελιοφόρος του Αλλάχ
^"We want to group up to hundreds of thousands and more^"
نريد ان تصل المجموعة الى مئات الالاف وأكثر
Islamic Monotheism /
التوحيد الاسلامي
No profane or haram: names, images, language.
No abusive comments
Click here to know all things about Islam ..[www.inter-islam.org]
Click here to know what is Islam ..[www.rasoulallah.net]
Click here to find more ..[www.chatislamonline.org]No information given.