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О себе
This is the paper work Garrett. The other does the memes.The 29th Infantry Division is a multigaming realism unit in the online games Arma 3, Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, and Squad.

est. 2005

What is Realism?The 29th Infantry Division practices a sort of teamwork-oriented style of gameplay, known as "Realism". It is much different from the "death match" style play seen on the public server. It is the portrayal of real tactics, strategies, and conduct through an online 70 player game. When you die in a realism scrimmage, you do not respawn until the end of the round. You must work as a team to keep each other alive. If you are looking for a different gaming atmosphere, community, and experience - Realism may be for you. We are always looking for new members: Enlist here![www.29th.org]

You'll recognize the members of the 29th ID wearing our tag: [29th ID]. Only recruits who has entered and completed their Basic Combat Training are allowed to use the tag. Being a part of this Steam Group does not mean you become a member of the 29th ID.

For more information about the 29th, check out our website & forums. Public server informationcan be found below. For server issues, server admins, please get in touch with us at our forums[forums.29th.org] for the fastest response.

Arma 3➨ Join Steam Group dedicated to Arma 3

29th Infantry Division [Public Battalion Server]

29th Infantry Division [Vanilla Public Server]

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2➨ Join Steam Group dedicated to Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2

29th Infantry Division [Battalion Server]

29th Infantry Division [Euro Server]

29th Infantry Division [Heroes of the West Server]

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam➨ Join Steam Group dedicated to Rising Storm 2: Vietnam[//]

29th Infantry Division [Battalion Server]

Squad➨ Join Steam Group dedicated to Squad[http//Join+Steam+Group+dedicated+to+Squad]

29th Infantry Division [Battalion Server]

TeamSpeak 3twentyninth.ts3.nfoservers.com
Password: 29th
(See this thread for details)

Our Website[www.29th.org]
Join the 29th[www.29th.org]
29th ID on YouTubeNo information given.No information given.