(gel deniz ol sahilime)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 16.02.2013
- Страна
- SE
- О себе
- YT Channel
Dear Rose. If you want me to delete randytaylor69 instagram page, this steam group and VK page - just write here on the wall using your steam account or let me know somehow.
I have never used any of these social media to make money.
The Life of RoseWhat is known:
Rosemary Lisa Wolfe Gotto. British, 36 years old female youtuber, gamer and physicist.
She started making videos on youtube in 2007. Had a certain internet presence since 2003 (deviantart, livejournal blog, travel blog, etc).
On the summer of 2011, a link to a youtube video where she gave vague instructions about building a pc was posted on /g/. Those links and some of her photos were repeatedly posted to /g/ and /v/ by one of her stalkers. People there went crazy about her. Her stalker later doxed her, and her family. She deleted a lot of material(all of her blogs & photos), but a lot of material was saved anyway, and she disappeared from the internet. Rose threads were banned on /g/ and /v/, so the obsessed fans & stalkers took the Rose threads to /b/...
roseplaysgames (gaming channel)
Acrhive channel
VK.com (fan-page)[www.vk.com]
Rose's official Instagram (deleted)[www.instagram.com]
Instagram (fanpage)[www.instagram.com]
Rosebuds Map[www.zeemaps.com]
Tumblr posts[www.tumblr.com]No information given.No information given.