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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 09.02.2013
- О себе
- No information given.Report server outages by calling: (323) 296-9777 Pin code: 1234
Server wipe on 02/05/2016
Server SettingsLevel Cap: 120
x5 Harvest & XP
x5 Taming
Max Difficulty Setting
Quetzal platform saddle disabled.
ModsGas Refining Forge
Industrial Grinder
Pub Decor
Pimp My Rex
Admins on the serverAdmins are online or reachable via ARKHELP during most hours. We do not have characters or a base in game and are here to host events and offer assistance only.
What we will help with
Stuck dinos and players,
Reclaiming structures that fail to transfer in a tribe merger,
Investigating cheaters/exploiters
What we will not help with
Locating lost dino’s/bodies/tames, particular dino spawns, or enemy base locations
Lost items from unexpected crashes or glitches (server or client-side)
Teamspeak: ts.nolagservers.com
Server Rules:
1. Be Respectful!
We all know that Ark can be frustrating at times, and minor outbursts will be tolerated; however, excessive harassment of other players including racist, homophobic, sexist, and excessively vulgar language will not be tolerated.
2. No Griefing.
Griefing is a vague rule, and as such can be hard to enforce at times. Thus, all instances of griefing will be determined and punished based purely at the admins discretion. This sounds harsh, but is an extreme circumstance. Please try to refrain from killing dinos used primarily for gathering that are on passive (This is not a rule, just a request.), and refrain from activity that would run new players off the server.
3. No Exploiting.
Do not take advantage of exploits of any sort. Attacking dinos through walls, using foundations to prevent metal and other resource spawns and other exploits of this sort are highly frowned upon and will be dealt with on a case by case basis. If it sounds sketchy, don't do it!
4. No Hacking.
Hacking of any sort will lead to a permanent ban on all servers.
5. Volcano.
Buildings at the volcano are prohibited and will be demolished by admins.
6. Metal Nodes.
Please refrain from using foundations to prevent metal nodes from spawning and from impeding other players from accessing metal nodes. Examples include mountain top bases for refining or otherwise that block respawns of nodes or keep other players from them, i.e turrets, walls, or dinos. (Killing them while their mining is still allowed, but no structures obstructing their mining.)
7. Burden of Proof.
Please understand that without some form of evidence, many of these rules cannot be enforced as they will simply be denied by the alleged offender. Please record where possible, especially in the case of voice chat. (Nvidia Shadow Play automatically records the last fifteen minutes of gameplay.)
Server Host[www.nolagservers.com]
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Donate[donate.stony.xyz]No information given.No information given.