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О себе
•● W E L C O M E - T O - M Y - P R O F I L E ●•
Welcome My Friend

Who am I?

Hi everyone, I'm just a wannabe gamer who is always trying my best in everything...

Name: Christoph
Birthday: 7.10.1999
Nickname: IISII|aka|Chris.L
Location: Austria, Salzburg
Team: Currently looking for a Team.

Trade Rules

I am open to any offers on items in my inventory everything is tradable for fair offers. Fastest way to reach me is trade offer. Or just write a comment on my profile regarding what you want to trade and I will add you for discussion.

I will not accept blocked/private profiles unless we have talked before.
If you are very low ranks under like 2 then write on my profile first, there are many bots.
Lowballers please don't even try I will not accept lowball trades.
Scammers please ♥♥♥♥ off nobody likes scammers so don't even try, I know your tricks.
If you want to trade with me and have a blocked profile please write what you want on my profile.
If you wanna trade with me feel free to send offer or add me for discussion.
Please don't offer me game gifts or Dota/TF2 items for CS items.
I will +rep you if I feel like it please don't ask me for trading reps without even trading items.
Don't ask for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I will not give away any skins, go beg somewhere else.
If I downgrade you overpay in keys or skins, got loads of skins if i need to add.
Scammers will be reported and blocked people who spam links will also be reported.
Have fun and good luck trading.

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┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ Peace
 └┐▒▒▒▒┌┘Nur Oesterreichische Gamer und Gamerinnen!!!Viel Spass beim Zocken!No information given.No information given.