Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 24.01.2013
- Страна
- US
- О себе
- Black man in a white worldWe are the Sparkly Rainbow Unicorns, a group of likeminded gamers enjoying online gaming togather. There are no real requirements other than following the rules and admin direction, if you want to join the group or our servers feel free! Invite your friends too to make it even more fun for all.
If you need something catch one of the admins!.
If interested in becomming a regular on our servers and gaining additional abilities, please register on the forums! You can even use steam directly through their login page. Visit the site and try it out!
Wearing The SRU Tag
Any member of the steam group can wear the | SRU | tag on their name, we dont mind
How to add a NMRIH server to your favorites:
Our Server Info:
You Can Find A Current List Of Our Active Servers For Each Game Here:
To join the NMRIH servers, click "Find Servers" and add server, then type in "sparklyrainbowunicorns.us" without quotes and click find games at this address. Then add them to favs so you can join them whenever :D
As always, Thanks for playing on the servers. Yall are why they are there.
Akihiro Kytori
Sparkly Rainbow Unicorns Website[www.sparklyrainbowunicornZ.us]
Sparkly Rainbow Unicorns On Facebook[www.sparklyrainbowunicornz.us]
Sparkly Rainbow Unicorns On TwitterNo information given.No information given.