(A happy Slice of German Bread.)
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 17.01.2013
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- Sei Willkommen. Seja Bem Vindo.
I do fun stuff for Age of Mythology & Hunt Achievements.
AoM projects on hold for personal reasons.
Other Links:- For updates: on X
- For the Achievements Stats: Astats [astats.astats.nl]
We have Tournements and Fun Team Games! Our intent is to promote our beloved Age of Mythology/Empires games we love dearly.
This is an open Group, all are welcome. From new players to the top, it doesn't matter. We just want to gather RTS-players to have fun together. This Group will be the main point of our Tournements and everything we do, so it is important to join, if you want to be part of any of it.
The Heads of the Group are T.K. and Tim_01; Also our first in Command is ConMeo. Feel free to talk to us about anything you need and if you add us, let us know why. We don't accept random people.
Competitive or not, we just want to have fun. Welcome to you all, hope you have fun with us.
So, join in, mates! We have Cookies.
Tim's Twitch[go.twitch.tv]
T.K.'s Twitch[www.twitch.tv]No information given.No information given.