Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 14.01.2013
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- No information given.You can Trade DotA 2 Items in here, Just join the channel or leave a post in our wall and start trading!!!
Only English in the Chat
Only Trade Posts on the Wall
Don't Forget to invite your friends!!!
if you're kind enough to donate for the raffles, talk to MaMeE
* Do not repetitively post your offer, restrict repeat offer posts to once every 3 (three) minutes. Please post moderately. Remember, you can always directly message other traders in the chat room.
* Do not spam pointless or nonsense text, we welcome non-trade chat but please don't spam.
*Rudeness towards Admins or Mods will result in a ban .Direct Insults to an Admin will result in a permanent ban with no appeal .
If you get banned you can get unbanned just once by donating a rare or a mythical So think twice before you spam or act like an asshole.(We do not accept greevils or eggs.) ( TALK WITH MaMeE ABOUT THIS )No information given.No information given.