Alex de Niterói
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 14.01.2013
- Страна
- FM
- О себе
- Sou raiz ainda? Hello guys and girls, we are here to collect all new and old traders and players from Counter Strike 2.
Feel free to invite more people to be part of our big family.
Feel free to make your post about trades or group finder for CS2.
Enjoy, respect others and have a nice day !
Make your trade post here (click here)
Any discussions, comment that are not related to the topic on groups (begging for items, promotion code for betting sites, spamming links or links from other steam groups) will be deleted and banned permanently without notice.
140 Knives, Gloves and Lots of Skins. Steam Trade Offer/s (click here)