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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 22.12.2012
- Страна
- UY
- О себе
- Possunt quia posse videntur.
"Alliance are doing it, they need a little more. Xboct to fall, throne in jeopardy. There's a glyph, this could be the last stand. Dendi is back, he is going to try and focus everyone but there is so much stuff. The throne. No more glyph available. Down to about half hp, quarter hp. Alliance surrounding from all sides. BKB. They are going to do it, Alliance wins. They win TI3" A Steam group for the Twitch.tv/CohhCarnage stream group! Please make sure to follow all rules of the Cohhililtion. :D Thanks! -Cohh
Cohh on Twitch[Twitch.tv]No information given.No information given.