✪ gdzinn
(Jordan Neto)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 18.12.2012
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- Não enche!Seja bem-vindo a Steam Community da Half-Life Brasil.
Vinda do maior portal sobre Half-Life do Brasil, a nossa Steam Community será de extrema importância para os fãs de HL, pois aqui encontramos todos aqueles que adoram essa série!
Welcome to Half-Life BR, Brazil's largest portal on the game.
Half-Life is a game of FPS (First Person Shooter) launched in 1998 by Valve Software that simply revolutionized the industry of PC games in the season until now. Bringing their influences as Doom, Quake and Wolfeinstein, Half-Life is considered by a review of the best games in the world.
Half-Life Brasil - Comunidade Oficial[www.orkut.com.br]No information given.No information given.