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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 02.12.2012
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- { Configuraçoes do meu PC }
Processador: Intel Core i7 3770K
Placa de Video: Nvidia GTX 680
Memoria: 2x8GB Corsair Vengeance
Placa Mãe: AsRock Z77 Extreme 6
SSD: HyperX 3K da Kingston 120GB
Cooler: WaterCooler Intel... !
Gabinete: Thermaltake, algum modelo...
{ Periféricos }
Headset: Tritton PC510 HD
Mouse: Razer Mamba, Razer Ouroboros
Monitor: AOC 23"
Teclado: Razer DeathStalker Ultimate Elite Gaming, com tela !
Controle: XBOX 360/PC
Headphone: Beats Studio "Remastered" White
Vlw, Flw !Welcome to the official Razer Steam Group. If you rock Razer hardware, then you have come to the right place.
So who are we? Razer collaborates with gamers to develop, manufacture and market cutting-edge gaming peripherals utilizing proprietary technologies that give gamers the competitive edge.
We reinvented the computer gaming industry by bringing this competitive edge to gamers when professional computer gaming was in its infancy.
Razer products have earned critical praise and won multiple awards from around the world for their precision, sensitivity, usability and distinctions in product design.
Engineered to near perfection, Razer’s reputation of being the leader in gaming peripheral technology is embodied in every single Razer product we make.
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