Ace Hituna
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 29.11.2012
- Страна
- UY
- О себе
- AceitunaloverWelcome to our osu! Steam Group.
This is a place where fans of the game are able to have discussions, hold events or just easily chat outside of the game.
We also aim to help new players get familiarized with the game and help out anyone who's having a hard time with the mechanics, controls or peripherals.
If you have a question about the game, you can check out the FAQ
Group Rules
1 - Strictly no racism, sexism or any form of bullying.
2 - No toxicity in or outside the game.
3 - No forcing hobbies or beliefs on someone.
4 - No spamming or phishing links in the public or private chat.
5 - No explicit material links such as sex, drugs or gore.
6 - Respect all Administrators.
If you see anyone breaking these rules, please report them to an Administrator with their Steam Profiles as soon as possible.
Download the game here[osu.ppy.sh]
Get beatmaps here too[bloodcat.com]
My osu! profile[osu.ppy.sh]No information given.No information given.