Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 14.11.2012
- Страна
- MX
- О себе
Juegos Terminados [docs.google.com]
Retroachievements Profile [retroachievements.org]Our group is still under construction. Therefore, some parts are partially closed.
First of all, we thank everyone for being here. We have just a few rules that we observe in all of our channels, so these should be familiar to anyone who has visited our community before.
No discussion of piracy!
We never, ever want to see pirated content, copyrighted system files or other unauthorized content shared among our group. Additionally, please do not discuss, link to or name sites that host illicit ROMs or otherwise promote or facilitate piracy. We assume everyone dumps their own games in accordance with the laws and statutes applicable to their locale. Do not give us reason to believe otherwise.
This group created for RetroArch and libretro, please stay on-topic.
We love standalones. If we didn't, there wouldn't be cores of them! However, this group is for discussion and support for RetroArch and libretro cores, so if someone has an issue and asks for help, please refrain from answers like "just use standalone," as it is both unhelpful and off-topic.
Be civil
Don't stir up scene drama. Use common sense. Harassment and hostility negatively affect the group atmosphere and are not allowed. You are free to offer your opinion respectfully, but comments intended to demean a group, expressions of bigotry and the use of racial slurs are not allowed.
No polarizing debates
Posts being created for the express purpose to create drama or debates (including trolling) are not allowed here and will be removed as per our discretion.
Follow the Steam rules
Please make sure that your post or comment adheres to the common Steam rules. Any submissions that do not follow these rules will be removed. You can check this link for rules.
No excessively sexual or violent content. Submissions must be SFW.
Excessively violent or sexual content, including but not limited to death threats, explicit content, gore, or content sexualizing real people or fictional characters is not allowed.
Github Repository[github.com]
Libretro Documentation[docs.libretro.com]
Facebook Watch[www.facebook.com]
Facebook Groups[www.facebook.com]
LibRetro's YouTube
RetroArch's YouTube
Docs[docs.libretro.com]No information given.No information given.