

Ограниченный аккаунт
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О себе
On a caution wind
Meet the bleeding sky
I called your name
There was no one there
And in the cold and snow
I saw your face

And we sang a song for the little thing
Magic calm, but the joy you bring
Running it down the line
Wish you could find that love is a fragile thing
Magic call from a pretty thing
Maybe it might be time
For a better day
For a better day
For a better day

Straight, from the path of love
In the road of life
I tumble forward
But going on, I'mma keep it strong
I saw your face

And we sang a song for the little thing
Magic calm, but the joy you bring
Running it down the line
Wish you could find that love is a fragile thing
Magic call from a pretty thing
Maybe it might be time
For a better day
For a better day
For a better day
For a better day
For a better day
For a better day

And we sang a song for the little thing
Magic calm, but the joy you bring
Running it down the line
Wish you could find that love is a fragile thing
Magic come from a pretty thing
Maybe it might be time
For a better day.Nosotros estamos dispuesto a reclutar solo gente que aprenda no reclutamos
gente mala ni buena solo gente que quiera aprender
Nosotros nunca dejamos botados en las buenas y en las malas nosotros
Estamos undo siempre con nuestra vidas o con nuestro vicios apañamos en todo Morimos en el intento por que eso es un lujo no queremos enojarnos queremos divertirnos al jugar entrenamos para ganar lo mismo que tu.
CON RESPETO EL TEAM EXILIADOS GAMINGNo information given.No information given.