(Marcelo Lehmann)
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Дата регистрации
О себе
Processador Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 3.16 ghz;
Placa Mae Ipm 41-03;
Placa De Vídeo Gigabyte R5 230 1gb;
Hd 160gb Samsung;
Fonte Atx 350w;
Memória Kingston Ddr2 2gb x2 (4gb);
Monitor Aoc Lcd 14'';
Fone De Ouvido P2;
Microfone De Mesa MULTIMEDIA;
Mouse Trust T19663;
Teclado Shertech 802.

isso não é real
Collect cardsPlay any of the participating Trading Cards games to get trading cards. Up to half the card set is dropped through game play, the other half is earned through your collecting prowess.

Craft game badgesOnce you've collected a set of cards you can craft them into a game badge. Like the current badges, they are tied to your account and are shown on your profile. Unlike the current badges, crafting games badges earns you tradable items like emoticons, profile backgrounds, and coupons. Level up your badge by collecting the set again and earning more items.

Level upAll badges now have XP which contributes to your Steam Level, a summary of your badge collection. You can view someone's Steam Level by hovering over their avatar. Leveling up earns you non-tradable items like profile showcases, extra friends list slots, and more.

Visit the update page for more details. You can discuss trading cards in this group's General Discussions Forum, or look for other collectors to trade with in the Trading Forum.

Participating Games
Trading Cards Overview
Frequently Asked QuestionsNo information given.No information given.