Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 14.10.2012
- О себе
- Soo Azian Lock your doors, boarder up your windows, theres a solicitor outside.
CS:GO Group Guidelines
•There is no Ct or T sided maps, all maps are solicitor sided
•Saving is for hosers:
Don't save, I don't care if you have a Negev, Auto, Awp, ect. Unless you win 2 rounds in a row with that gun it was a waste and the team received no money.
•I buy every round:
This is more of my preference, but I always try to have full kev and atleast a Freebird "CZ-75auto" in attempts to get a free primary.
•Never save on round 2:
Even if you lost round 1, don't let the team down by saving when you could have went Freebird. I can't tell you how many second rounds I have won by simply not saving.
•Always believe in the clutch
•Never give up on the team:
I will personally kick you out of the clan if you ever give up on the team.
•Don't be a loser, buy a defuser
•The fire isn't real:
Just run though, it's worth a little damage to get a couple kills.
•Never blame last person alive:
You should have been there to help them.
You're only carrying if you have double second place's points.
•Try to use callouts as much as you can
•Follow the current round's plan
•Sell them as many bullets as you can!
Rust Group Guidelines (TBA)
Group Rules
Failure to follow these may result in permanent removal from clan
•No descrimination
•Be friendly
•No trolling
•Remember it's just a game
•Good fun, have luckNo information given.No information given.