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No information given.Hello Fellow Gamers,

This is the LARGEST MVM Group within all of TF2. We have the nicest people and ban people for trade violations / trolling.

*** REMP = Real Expert Mvm Players ***

The purpose to this server group is having TONS of fun.

We have 8 servers up and running currently. Usually you will find at least 4 of the 7 up and running. Sometimes I am working on them or testing. We are running 23 NEW mvm maps including Melee ONLY mvm. Yes you are reading it correctly - Demo-knight - MVM Melee ONLY !!!

Search for type of map mvm_. When the list is compiled, add our tag into the search list REMP.

Customized Servers: We are running super high tech custom servers. They have 32 gig of RAM at 2400 Mhz speed and SSD drives.

Custom Maps: We will be creating about 50 custom maps for MVM players that are far beyond expert for this year. Than we will create some teams, and see who is the REAL MVM experts are by scoring people. We will be having prizes regularly to drive interest in this area, and of course bragging rights too. Again, we will be utilizing our anti hack software to insure that people are honest. We have started with utilizing existing maps or new custom maps designed by someone else and modifying the bot programming.

We have advanced, expert, elite 2, and elite 1, from easiest to hardest.

Our servers and maps play MUCH faster than any expert steam map could dream of.

Trading Servers: Here we will be trading and having contests for small prizes. These contests may include buy in's to help pay for the server group to function. This will also offer middleman services to our members to protect us as a community. Websites will follow after the gaming server is up. This will not occur until March 2014.

Standard Maps: We will be offering a couple of servers with standard maps. We will have a vote on what this will be. I will be utilizing my anti hack software to keep the hackers off our servers. This will occur immediately.

** Most REMP members will be moderators on our server group. TRUSTED to be good people to the members in this group. This way they can help train others to be experts too. All admins from REMP will be officers on this group. We will have other people who are not part of REMP that are moderators or admins in this group only. **

We are actively seeking Admins to run our servers.

This will be a very fun time for all of us. I am sincerely looking forward to the new growth that awaits this great team of people

Have a wonderful day.