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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 27.09.2012
- О себе
- No information given.Hours in ArmA 3 ("Hi,A3") Project — a developer of FT-2 Game Mode
FT-2 is a PvP (TvT) multiplayer game mode with an intensive large scale battles of two sides for strategic key locations. Over 70 playable locations brings the core of teamwork and individual gameplay, with one major task in hand - make your team win!
Each player has a possibility to spawn at their Team base or their deployed MHQ (if not destroyed) & captured sectors. The player starts with the default equipment and is tasked to capture and hold sectors, each time a player captures a sector he is rewarded with resources which can be used to buy more advanced equipment and\or vehicles, it works in the same way for eliminating enemy players or enemy vehicles. Players can purchase new equipment at base, near ammo caches in captured sectors or at the MHQ. Vehicles are purchased at the Base.
- 70+ locations
- Equipment & Vehicle Stores (Custom GUI)
- The ability to create up to 8 Gear Presets + 1 Quick Preset
- Airborne deployment capability (via Billboard at Base)
- An option to Revive downed teammates (must have a Medkit)
- Melee kill - ability to knife your enemies without firing your main weapon
- Lock\Unlock Feature - an addition to throw out unwanted passangers
- Capturing Heavy Vehicles - an ability to throw a grenade into an enemy vehcile
- A whole bunch of other features (holstering main weapon, cutting the parachute cords etc)
- Group\Party System
- Unique battle logging and award System
- Markers over Teammate units
- Capability to transfer resources to teammates
- Quick viewdistance selection feature (Hotkey)
- 30% of the funds save option towards the next match.
- UI translation into 8 languages (English, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian etc)
Hi,A3 ArmA 3 Game Servers[www.gametracker.com]
Hi,A3 Discord Server[discord.gg]
Hi,A3 Teamspeak 3 Server[www.tsviewer.com]No information given.