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Hello friend!


Good luck friends!!I've recently gotten pretty tired of groups who offer pretty mediocre advice and play primarily off gut feelings and biases towards teams they personally like. I don't respect this kind of ethos / pathos betting; I personally lean more towards logos betting. I try to make the most logical bet, not the most "gut feel" bet and that's one of the main reasons I made this group. So, I'll basically provide advice here anytime I feel that a certain game is good to bet on.

Also, if you are going to follow my advice, please refer to the picture of the betting group; never bet what you are not willing to lose. I don't guarantee ANYTHING when I predict / choose bets, hence the word "predict." I will, however, provide whatever useful information I have about a match-up, though sometimes I may have none.

I post analysis based on the time of the day that I see the matches, so sometimes matches could be posted after I posted my analysis for the day. I can't guarantee I'll make an update but I will try to since I check lounge often anyways.

No information given.No information given.