Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 06.09.2012
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- Nothing special, a simple user of steam.
Perfil que eu jogo Gta V: DW KbM
Praise the Sun
It's fellas
I drink your pain, i put my straw on it and i drink it up
Be careful who you trust sergeant, people you know can hurt you the most
After everything you've been through, after everything you've seen. Can you really still believe in "The Division" ? [ENG] **Welcome to the crew heisters, crooks, robbers, assassins, ghosts, ...
-Don't blow any stealth.
-Just use your brain.
Remember: Stay low, Stay dark, avoid guards and gun fire, here we go.
[PT]**Bem Vindos ao grupo heisters, crooks, robbers e afins...
- Não exploda nenhum stealth.
- Use seu cerebro.
PAYDAY: The Heist Official Group
PAYDAY 2 Official Group No information given.No information given.