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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 28.08.2012
- Страна
- US
- О себе
- No information given.Hey there, I receive a lot of friend requests, but Steam does not allow me to have more than 2000 friends and I cant accept all of you. So i decided to create a group where everyone can ask me any questions that he wants. I will try to answer on every question, but i can't guarantee that I will be able to answer on all your questions, anyway I will try to do my best. Probably most of the questions will be about trading, price checks and etc. But I am also ready to answer on other kind of questions that will be interesting for me :)
Some Rules :)
There is some simple rules you should follow, i know it looks boring but i must do it to avoid spam and other issues...
1) So first of all you dont need to ask/beg any kind of skins or items, i won't give any of my skins. Also, I will delete your messages if you do insist on posting a comment about it (of those begging/asking for skins) and if you dont stop i will have to ban you for 1 day.
2) Speak English, please. Respect each other.
• I will delete comments that are in any other language besides English.
3) Before you write something, please, look at "Popular Discussions".
For example, if you want to get a price check about some items you dont need to write it at the "comments", you can just find a discussion called as "Price Checks" and ask your question here.
4) If you trying to add Fortuna in steam, please, leave a comment on his profile so he can answer as fast as possible or just accept you :)
For now that is all, Probably, will add some more rules in future, thanks to everyone!
I have decided that I will attempt to be online everyday in the group chat, answering your questions (but i cant promise you that i will be able to answer as soon as you send a message), so in the group chat you can directly ask me some questions or make me an offer, but if i am not answering i am probably away or busy dealing with something else, so dont get me wrong, I am not trying to ignore you on purpose. Thank you for understanding and have a great day :)
My Steam Profile
My TwitterNo information given.No information given.