- Дата регистрации
- 24.08.2012
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- This is not my main account.
Main Account This is an Ace Attorney group. Feel free to discuss it here, or just discuss anything in general. Also, please be respectful to other members in this group.
As of now, there isn't much on this group, but I plan on expanding it eventually. Until then, enjoy this group by playing games with others or chatting. Feel free to add discussions of your own as well.
Our Rules:
1. Do not be hateful to others.
2. Do not discriminate.
3. Do not create threads/topics that have already been made (cover the same subject).
4. No NSFW content.
5. Keep threads in their designated forums.
6. Do not threaten others.
7. Do not spam.
8. Stay on-topic with whatever thread you are posting in.
9. No backseat moderating.
10. Do not argue whether a ladder/stepladder is a ladder or a stepladder.No information given.No information given.