BOT Lemon
(Igor Pereira Fernandes)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 02.08.2012
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- No information given.You were invited to this group because you joined one of our game servers.
This group will be used to populate our game servers.
If you do not wish to participate in our events, you can leave this group without worry of being invited again.
Credits Mod is a community based off of ProTF2's popular credits mod plugin. It has been modified to allow players to earn credits for kills, assists, healing, dominations, killing bots, and more. Players can use these credits to purchase in-game cosmetics.
CreditsMod.com - News[www.creditsmod.com]
CreditsMod.com - Servers[www.creditsmod.com]
CreditsMod.com - Statistics[www.creditsmod.com]No information given.No information given.