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Right Behind You

All trade are final! Do not ask me to trade back unless i specifically commit to doing so!
Maxes & Major Raffles hosts many Raffles. Lotteries, and Contests!

-No foul language
-Keep it Child-friendly
-If you want to be an moderator then please fill out an application.
-Respect all members and staff

Raffle rules
-Follow the instructions of the raffle you want to be in.
-Do not complain about raffles being "Unfair".
-The raffles are NOT rigged. If ANY of the moderators or officers rig the raffle then they will be dergraded to a lesser rank or become a normal member.
M&M Raffles does not attempt to scam and never will. We try to keep it fun and friendly.
-Moderators/Officers do NOT have an advantage if they join another moderator/officer raffle. They have the same chance as winning as every member.

Breaking any rule/raffle rule twice WILL kick or ban you from M&M Raffles.

Mod/Officer Rules Don't bump trades constantly. Wait at least 2 hours in between bumps. Only have one raffle/giveaway going on at a time. We don't want the accouncement page to become too clutered. Don't make ridiculously priced raffles. Your profit shouldn't exceed 20% of the item's worth. Speak with Captain muttonchops or other Mods/Officers before banning someone or raffling an item worth more than 10 keys. Treat group members with respect. Don't post advertisements/things not related to raffling. Please follow these rules to keep M&M Raffles candid and enjoyable, thank you!

You can donate here!

Owner- Captain muttonchops

Co-owner- {MILK} EpicMan

Officer- R-F♦VanGuarD

Moderator Coolguy347

Moderator Sycrotyx

Moderator (JR) Flying Spaghetti Magnezone

Moderator Griffertop


50 members- ✓
100 members - ✓
250 members - ✓
500 members - ✓
750 members - ✓
1000 members - ✓
1250 members - ✓
1500 members -
2000 members -
2500 members -

I hope you enjoy your stay at this group
- Captain Muttonchops.No information given.No information given.