(Disturbing the peace)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 27.07.2012
- Страна
- KR
- О себе
- Former Osu! player and FPS enthusiast
Currently playing VALORANT | immortal 3 332rr peak
Cherry my beloved ♡
Yuki Aim is a group of people that are known for being exceptional at aiming in games, alongside housing the best players in Esports that have multiple placings in worldwide tournaments and championships.
Yuki Aim は、ゲーム内でのエイミングに長けていることで知られているグループで、世界的なトーナメントやチャンピオンシップで何度も入賞している Esports のトッププレイヤーが所属しています!
Copyright © 2021 Yuki Aim LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Yuki Aim, Yuki Aim logo, and all Yuki Aim design are protected by trademark and copyright intellectual rights.
[email protected] ・ www.yuki.gg
Owners:Senzeeh ✦ Twitter
Dara ✦ Twitter
Aeolus ✦ TwitterNo information given.No information given.