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- Дата регистрации
- 25.07.2012
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- BR
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- No information given.Welcome! We've rebuilt the Steam Mobile App and we'd like your feedback.
In addition to the store, Steam Guard, and trade confirmations, the app now comes with QR code sign in, smarter notifications, an improved Library view, and multi account support.
For the best experience, you'll want to download the beta mobile app and also join the Steam Client Beta. This will allow you to try signing in to the Steam Client by scanning a QR code.
AndroidOpen this link on your Android device: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.valvesoftware.android.steam.community
The Google Play store will offer you a link to join the beta and download the updated app.
iOSOpen this link on your iOS device: https://testflight.apple.com/join/8BOPXsGz
You'll be prompted to install Apple's own TestFlight app. Once TestFlight is installed, it will automatically install the updated Steam Mobile App.
Please note: per Apple guidelines, iOS beta participants will be limited to 10,000 and those slots will fill up quickly. We'll add more slots as the beta progresses, so check back if slots are full.
Steam Client BetaIf you want to try signing into the Steam Client by scanning a QR code with your new mobile app, you'll need to opt in to the Steam Client Beta. To sign in to Steam in a browser, just click the "Show me a QR code" link.
Please post your feedback in the discussionsWe're still adding features, fixing bugs, and polishing the app. It's helpful to hear what you're excited about, what could be improved, and what needs fixing.
Everyone is welcome to join the group and the conversation, even if you're not able to participate in the beta. We want to hear from you.
When leaving feedback, it's important that you tell us what device and OS you're using. So please include that in your comment.