Cigano ॐ
(Roberto Rocha)
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 15.07.2012
- Страна
- PT
- О себе
- No information given.FRENCH
Venu du Portugal ou j'ai participer a pas mal de LAN, mais je vie actuelment en Suisse (Fribourg).
J'etait bien classifier au Portugal et ma stream etait connu aussi, mais je cherche la competition et surtout à évoluer toujours plus.
From Portugal where I participate in a lot of LAN but I actually live in Switzerland (Fribourg).
I was well classify in Portugal and my stream was known too, but now I'm looking for a competitive team and especially to improve always more.
Counter-Strike Player since 2004
Rank: Global Elite
Esea: https://play.esea.net/users/1317329
ONLINE1st - ESL 1vs1 AWP Ladder Portugal 2009
1st - ESL 1vs1 AWP Ladder Portugal 2010
1st Synical Memo - ESL 5vs5 Ladder Portugal
1st Elohim - ESL 5vs5 Ladder Portugal
1st Team eQualite - ESL 3vs3 Nightcup Europe
2nd Karn Gaming - Clan Base 5vs5 Cup Europe
OFFLINECS Lan Pombal Portugal 2009 - 3rd Elohim
XL Party Maia Portugal 2010 - 4th Memo.VL
XL Party Porto Rosa Mota Portugal 2010 - 8th-12h GW Menace
XL Party Lisboa FIL Portugal 2011 - 2nd Team eQualite
CJM Lan Party Portugal 2013 - 2nd Team Mix
Wesports#11 - 4th Seyfert Gaming
SwitzerLAN 2016 - 8th - Swiss Prime Gaming
PolyLan#29 2017 - 7th Elite WarFighters
PolyLan#31 2018 - 1st Amateur eWolf
Festigeek 2018 - 4th FGS.Mix
DreamHack Tours BYOC 2018 - Top 8/16 Elite FireGoldSharks
GAME CFGResolution : 1290*960 4:3 (Stretched)
Ingame Sensitivity : 1.3
Mouse dpi : 500
HARDWAREGraphics Card : Strix GTX 1060 6gb DDR5
Processor : intel i7 7700k 4.20
Monitor : BenQ XL2411z
Headset : Sennheiser game zero
Mouse : Logitech G403 Prodigy
Mouse Pad : Logitech G640
Keyboard : Logitech G910
CROSSHAIRcl_crosshair_outlinethickness 0
cl_crosshairgap 9999
cl_crosshair_dot 0
cl_crosshaircolor red
cl_crosshairthickness 2
cl_righthand 1
YOUTUBENo information given.No information given.