Roro ❤

Roro ❤

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О себе
roro ro rororo rororororororororo rorororo ro rorororor ororo rororororororororor ororo rorororororororo
rororororo rororo ro roro rororororororororororo ro roro rorororororo rororororororororo ro rorororororororo
This group is still a thing? Oh, well might as well put it to some good use...

First off, hello! A proper greeting should be mentioned, as normally I'm not one for greeting and meeting people. I'm more of a lone wolf to myself kind of person. Normally when you first meet me, you'll notice two things: Either i'm super silent, and don't talk much or I'm obnoxious, loud and in your fucking face rude. All depends on my attitude and mood. Most people will try and get to know me, then learn what bonds we share. So if you're someone who doesn't know me. Give it a shot, what's the worst that can happen?

To those wondering how long I have been online gaming for, lets say I got into Runescape before it was even big. Back when I used Dial-up and AOL. Who the hell remembers that shit? I started my days back then, met friends that I still speak to now on rare occasions and worked my way up to Steam. Here, I've met many friends, allies, enemies and even rivals. Sure, now I play elsewhere besides Steam like League of Legends, Hearthstone and more. But you can't fly if you're always confied to one space!

Going back and remembering. There's a lot of friends that have left for their own reasons. Some of which I personally would not have chosen, and some which are understandable. I've changed over the years and opened my eyes to what's important now. So instead of holding a grudge or being ignortant. I will instead take what i've learned to make myself a better person. And so they choose to come back, I will gladly welcome them back with open arms. Because that's the person I am. But I will not look for those who have left anymore.

In the end, i've changed mentally and physically over the years I've spent here. Since I can't tell everyone at once i'll say it here. Thank you everybody for existing in my life, and I would not be here if it wasn't for you all. If I for one day disappear from this Earth for some unknown reason. I want everybody to see this and know that I thank everybody even my enemies and the people who hate me for being in my life. Family, friends, foes and rivals, haters, and spirits.
Thank you everybody.

If there's a few quotes that could really inspire and change somebody's life there's too many that I could give, but like the picture describes, this is my book. About my life, so here's a little handbook of Thirteen life changing quotes I guess you could say that I live by. I call them commandments.
Interested? Check them out ---> They're what keep me going[]

"I'll be the person you'll see in your dreams, nightmares and thoughts. However you picture me, is how I have impacted your life. So don't forget about me or it will hurt more."
-R-voltNo information given.No information given.