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- Дата регистрации
- 26.05.2012
- Страна
- DE
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- No information given.The Metal Chuch is more than a group. It is a place where fellow metalheads (music lovers) can interact with each other, find new music or even just find like minded individuals to game with
1349 ,1000mods, AC/DC, Accept, Agalloch, Alestorm, Amon Amarth, Anaal Nathrakh, Angel Witch, Angra, Anthrax, Annihilator, Armored Saint, Artillery, The Atomic Bitchwax, Autopsy, Axxis, Axis of Perdition, Avantasia, Baroness, Bathory, Batushka, Behemoth, Beherit, Belzebong, Berzerker, Black Sabbath, Blacklodge, Blind Guardian, Blitzkrieg, Bomb, Blot Thrower, Budgie, Cacophony, Candlemass, Carnivore, Carpe Tenebrum, Celtic Frost, The Cult, Danzig, Dark Funeral, Darkspace, Dark Throne, The Darkness, Death, Death Angel, Decapitated, Dead World, Deep Purple, Def Leppard, Demons & Wizards, Deströyer 666, Diamond Head, Dio, Dire Straits, Dimmu Borgir, Dissection, Disturbed, Dismember, DragonForce, DragonLand, Bongzilla ,Dopelord, Dopethrone, Earthless, Elm Street, Electric Wizard, Edguy, Emigrate, Emperor, Enslaved, Entombed, Exciter, Falconer, Fear Factory, Filth Pig, Freedom Hawk, Flotsam And Jetsam, Gamma Ray, Ghost, Girugamesh ,Glacier, Gloryhammer, Godflesh, Gorgoroth, Guns N' Roses, Grim Reaper, Hammerfall, Havok, Head of David, Heathen, Heaven & Hell, HELLOWEEN, High Spirits, Holocaust, Iced Earth, Iggy Pop, Iron Maiden, Iron Savior, Immortal, Inquisition, Jimi Hendrix, Judas Priest, King Diamond, Keep of Kalessin, Kreator, KISS, Kyuss, Labyrinth, Led Zeppelin, Leviathan, Lost Horizon, Manilla Road, Manowar, Mastodon, Malhavoc, Marduk, Mayhem, Meathook Seed, Megadeth, Mercyful Fate, Metal Church, Metallica, Mgła, Ministry, The Misfits, MotorHead, Mortiis, Municipal Waste, Nazareth, Nevermore, Nightwish, Obituary, Omen, Orange Goblin, Over KIll, Ozzy Osbourne, Pantera, Pentagram, Persuader, Phobos, Pink Floyd, Pitchshifter, Pitchfork Project, PowerWolf, Power Quest, Portrait, Possessed, Primal Fear, Queensryche Rage Against the Machine, Rainbow, Rammstein, The Ramones, The Raven Age, Razor, Red Harvest, RedFangs, Rhapsody Of Fire, Riot, Rotting Christ, Rush, The Ruins of Beverast, Primordial, Running Wild, Sabaton, Samael, Sanctuary, Satan, Satyricon, Savatage, Saxon, Scorpions, The Screaming Jets, Shining, Seventh Void, System of a Down, Symphony X, Skin Chamber, Skrew or Havoc Unit, Skyclad, Slayer, Sleep, Sodom, Sortilège, Sonata Arctica, Steel Panther, Stratovarius,Sepultura, Summoning, Testament,Truckfighters, Thorns, Type O Negative, TYR, Twilight Force, Twisted Sister, UFO, Ultra-Violence , Unisonic, Vektor, Venom, Voivod, W.A.S.P.,Witch, Witchcraft, Witchfinder General, Witchfynde , Xasthur, Young Gods, Yngwie Malmsteen, ZZ TOP etc.
“In my life so far, I have discovered that there are really only two kinds of people: those who are for you, and those who are against you. Learn to recognize them, for they are often and easily mistaken for each other.”
― Lemmy Kilmister
Heavy Metal Rarities[heavymetalrarities.com]No information given.No information given.