Myster Ghurn
(Justin Chern)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 26.04.2012
- О себе
- Hey guys!
Weird, having a summary
Oh well, let's get to the point ---> [Mannimarco is da wurzt]
Games I Play:
-Tf2 (ready for christmas update!!)
-Maplestory (uh stopped playing)
-Civilization III (I got IV, much better gameplay, and V, much better graphics)
-Dota 2 (We are never ever ever, getting back together)
-Minecraft (A secondary game, playing on factions)
-Cube World (kinda quit)
People I Would Like To Thank
-ChaoChaoz (Started my tf2 career)
-Stom (Mc Pal)
-Spoonodoom (Mc Pal)
-ChaosControl (Tf2 Pal)
-Mr.Meowgi (Tf2 Pal)
-Quicksilver (Tf2 and Mc Pal)
-Albeeno (Tf2 Pal [First Trade Buddy :D])
-Dominatorguy123 (Every single game pal)
-Lag Incarnate (Tf2 Pal)
-DJ-P0N3 (Tf2 Pal)
-MrColoureye (Tf2 Pal)
-Cereal Guy (Sometimes pal, but can go little crazy; also caused dota 2 relationship to break)
-Chiddler (Tf2 and trading pal)
-Phoenix1771 (Reclaimed Metal Generator)
-LembASS (Spycrabbing friend)
-Moonteddy (Mvm pal)
Did I miss anyone? Tell me if I did!
Edit: Christogan
[Last Updated: December 8, 2014]
────▀▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▀────────In a game brimming with skins, captured within a world filled with the widest assortment of gleaming guns and lucrative knives, there are terrorists and counter terrorists of different origins looking for their own approval from Gabe himself and the opportunity to stare down their hapless enemies with their newly acquired stattrack weapons. These mercenaries, are armed with not only their diverse high tiered weapons, but also their guns, bearing stattrack counters and adorned with foils and holos. While taking in the scenery of two teams killing each other, a question may come to mind, “Where do these players acquire these skins and weapons, is it skill?, dedication? or even the divine approval of Gabe Newell? Nope, the answer is luck. With such mechanics in CS:GO being based on probability and rng, it is no mystery why the secret of prosperity lies in fractions. Well my fellow team, thats where we take part.
The Poor Mann’s Raffle Group is in essence, your opportunity, a chance for the poorest Mann to come into his well deserved wealth, to collect dragon lores, howls, blue gems and fades, a raffle organization to help you amass those rare and coveted skins for less.
No matter how much wealth you have, whether it be mil spec duplicates or coveted knives, you are eligible to take part. With a entry and with a little bit of luck, you may be able to fulfill your wildest expectations. This group certainly is no conspiracy. We say Negative to sharking and scamming and Affirmative to equality in picking the winners, that is, unless of course you have more slots
So there, if you have managed to finish reading this, pat your self on your back, you deserve it. We hope to see you soon in the Poor Mann’s Raffle Group. This opportunity is waiting.. :DNo information given.No information given.