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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 25.04.2012
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- Hello there!The 242nd Nightstalkers is a decades old ArmA 3 Mechanized infantry unit focusing on teamwork, authenticity, challenge and fun. Our tight nit community produces missions by hand using the eden editor every week using the latest techniques to provide an engaging, difficult, and competent environment. Our doctrine focuses on the harmony and union between armored fighting vehicles, and mounted infantry fighting in closer quarters to engage threatening and well-equipped opponents.
To anyone who want to see what ArmA can truly be, without the performance problems, without the false restrictions, and with all the cohesion of a milsim group, we are recruiting.
ContactTeamspeak 3 IP: ts3.242nightstalkers.com
Don't try click the IP, copy it into your Teamspeak to connect.
Arma 3 Units[http//+https]No information given.No information given.