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- Дата регистрации
- 06.04.2012
- О себе
- No information given.You have been invited to this group because I have no slots to keep you in friendlist or because you added me without giving me the reason in comments.
You can enter the chat room if you want to talk.
Join this group if you want to Trade / Buy / Sell / Win Dota 2 / Team Fortress 2 / Counter Strike : Globla Offensive Items, Steam Games, Gifts, Real Things, Challenges, Share Videos, Guides, Ideas, Help...
Don't hesitate to do a search in "Discussions" tab to find what you want. If you can't find, just ask for it. You will find forums on the right side. You can go in Announcements or Events for information, deals and challenges ...
Before starting a new discussion, please choose the correct forum :
-Dota 2 : Items - Trading (Battlefury, Timebreaker, Dragonclaw Hook, Arcanas, Fireborn Odachi,...)
-Dota 2 : Items - Buying / Selling
-Team Fortress 2 : Items - Trading
-Team Fortress 2 : Items - Buying / Selling
-Counter Strike - GO : Items - Trading
-Counter Strike - GO : Items - Buying / Selling
For more security, please never post a link to a website out of steam nor give your password...
Feel free to join chat room if you want to talk, trade or help....
[url]DotA 2 Quizz[steamcommunity.com]
"Player of the YEAR #1"
"Player of the YEAR #2"No information given.No information given.