✞ Cryptic ✞ Existence ✞

✞ Cryptic ✞ Existence ✞

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BEFORE YOU ADD ME AS A FRIENDYes, I have a few nice items, but...i don't buy random stuff and only sell items I've advertised elsewhere and i MUCH prefer trade offers using the link above. If you still insist on trying to sell me random stuff, it better be a stunning deal else expect abuse. Also, please don't asked to trade back later , i'm not a swap shop, my time is limited and valuable to me and that trumps your disregard for it.

Comment below before adding me if you want me to accept.
PRIVATE profiles, Level 0 or empty inventories will be BLOCKED

Trading Policy:I DO :- unfriend anyone who attempts to scam or lie to me
- believe in a Free Market [ en.wikipedia.org ] an economy dictated by Supply & Demand [ en.wikipedia.org ]. That means if i wish to sell a hat for 1000 keys, I will do so (expecting low demand). Alternatively if I wish to sell 100 hats for 1 key, i will do so (expect higher demand).

I DON'T :- scam or lie, ever
- believe in any authority other than Valve to dictate the TF2 economy. Those that try have been a disaster to trading and the economy.
- wish to debate websiteX vs websiteY, if you want to discuss pricing then do so with reason and logic (rather than being a sheep, one who read something and now thinks they are Donald Trump)

TF2Cancer.tf Pricing 'Logic'1) I swap a 100 key unusual for another 100 key unusual because i like the hat. TF2Cancer.tf then decide to value one of them at 90 key. If I change you mind 5 times, they will value it at close to half what it was originally.

2) Most 'proof' comes from TF2Outpost, (TF2Cancer.tf do not allow proof from their own site or from the Steam Market) . But TF2Outpost only allow searches on UNSOLD items. TF2Cancer.tf only allow such proof to DROP prices. So, the vast majority of evidence is to DROP prices. As it's so difficult to get 'proof' to vote prices UP, only a few elite/rare items ever get suggestions.

There was another site used in days gone by, one admin did one questionable act and a bandwagon of accusations resulted in it closing, the prices at that time (Feb 2014) are evidence of the effectivness of the TF2Cancer.tf disease. What happend in a little over a year:
Buds:19key->5k (Ref:0.14k->0.05k) - there are about 80k buds in circulation, so 19-5=14key loss * $2.50 * 80000 = 2,800,000
In a little over a year, the depreciation of a single virtual item (earbuds) led to a loss of $2.8m from the TF2 economy, that affects EVERY person who trades as the amount of 'currency' in circulation has been decimated. The same continues to happen with 99% of other TF2 items. If TF2 trading as we know it ceases to be, I'm pretty sure i know who will be holding the blood stained knife.

The most blame in the depreciation is however the trading community itself, who are far too willing to latch onto a website like it were a religion. The blame is on you all.

(the above is just an opinion, you are welcome to try and counter the logic!)We have players from all over the world however mostly from Europe playing as friends on all types of games. Visit us on teamspeak or on discord and enjoy a game or 2. Visit the website to see activity on certain games and check for the latest news on that site. This is just a place holder :)

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