- Дата регистрации
- 27.02.2012
- Страна
- KP
- О себе
- Parlez vous, een beetje Henk?
9:07 PM - Miles_T3hR4t: great my hipster glasses are square boobs on a fat chick...
2:04 AM - SynGa |✉Bright Eyes✉: I lift
2:04 AM - SynGa |✉Bright Eyes✉: my hand to type these words
2:04 AM - Acy~: Icanc baetely dio taht
2:04 AM - Acy~: MY hasfsnf jsudt fsl;s
20:10 - Aphexadus: Im going to roid up
20:10 - Aphexadus: go to brony con
20:10 - Aphexadus: go into roid rage
20:11 - Aphexadus: ruin all pony conventions from that day foward
20:11 - BuddyMocha: top lel
20:11 - Nottu Disu ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Agene Desu: Ue 7.62mm's, they're better
20:11 - BuddyMocha: ._.
20:11 - Nottu Disu ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Agene Desu: use*
20:12 - BuddyMocha: Make sure to dress in a fursuit while doing it
20:12 - Nottu Disu ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Agene Desu: ^^^^
20:12 - Aphexadus: Whats the worst fursuit I can wear?
20:12 - Aphexadus: Like, it disgusts even furfags
20:12 - Aphexadus: OH I KNOW
20:12 - Aphexadus: Birthday suit
20:12 - BuddyMocha: ?
20:12 - Aphexadus: Furfags are disgusted by naked humans
20:12 - BuddyMocha: lel
20:13 - ClockworkMage: ._.
20:13 - Aphexadus: that and if I get ♥♥♥♥ enlargement surgery, I can smash the con while making neckbeards feel insecure about their own ♥♥♥♥♥
20:13 - Nottu Disu ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Agene Desu: rofl
20:13 - Aphexadus: Ill just call what they have 'unusualy large clits"
12:43 AM - MashpitSquared: Did Skye behave~?
12:44 AM - BackstaB, The Sexy Stallion: Mhmm. ^^
12:44 AM - MashpitSquared: c:
12:44 AM - Valentin, Progeny of Himself: Oooh
12:44 AM - BackstaB, The Sexy Stallion: Did she like the tardis beds? ^-^
12:44 AM - Valentin, Progeny of Himself: This is remotely vague enugh for me to think we're talking about BDSM
12:44 AM - BackstaB, The Sexy Stallion: Hue
12:45 AM - Acy~: everything turns SEXUAl
12:45 AM - Valentin, Progeny of Himself: The sexual way is the only way
12:45 AM - Valentin, Progeny of Himself: Welcome to Tulpa ChatThis is where i will be announcing new videos and art as well. maybe some random shit will go on as well.
THE OFFICIAL New GROUP VIDEONo information given.No information given.