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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 11.02.2012
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- Tomorrow is a hope, never a promise.
Grupo criado para reunir os fãs do ex pro player de Counter-Strike 0.8 Patrick "Detr0ND" Detroid
Títulos conquistados até o momento:
1st at Campeonato only Deagle MAXIGAMES 1994
1st at ESL Open Lithuania Sudden Attack (2009)
Special Apparition (Easter Egg) at Domingão do Faustão Video Cacetadas (21/04/2009)
2nd at Dreamhack Racers Point Blank Dubai (2011)
1st at Dreamhack Tasmania OPEN BAR de cocaína Combat Arms (2013)
5th-8th at IEM Angola Assault Cube 2015
1st at WORLD CUP QATAR 2022
1st at Dança dos Famosos 2017
1st player ever to get a +9 weapon at SoulWorker
Top 1 World Speedrun Ninja Gaiden
2nd Eleague Open Crossfire Vancouver (2012)
3rd-4th ESL Crossfire Open Denver (2011)
Lv999 8 Ball Pool (26/08/2018)
14 wins 1v1 aim_map against "ped" the greatest
Kicked @PNL Cup
The one who murdered Adolf Hitler and mostly known as "Hero of W.W.II" (30/04/1945)
No information given.No information given.