The Lonely Stoner
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 31.01.2012
- О себе
- Flip coke for in game profit
//Formerly gloomwurld\\Welcome to the sometimes homely, often shouty Steam community for Blockland!
"Blockland is an online multiplayer game where you build things with bricks.
It's like playing with legos on the internet. The game provides the tools and you build the experience you want to have. "
Blockland no longer receives updates but has an active community of players and modders.
Blockland REQUIRES steam to play online multiplayer!
Own a non Steam copy? Click here to get your free copy of Blockland on Steam![blockland.us]
Official Links:
Buy Blockland on Steam
Official Blockland Website[blockland.us]
The Blockland Forums[forum.blockland.us]
Blockland on Youtube
Blockland on Reddit
Blockland Content Creators Discord[discord.gg]No information given.No information given.