Menino Xeteuba de Astera
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 13.01.2012
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- Originally created in protest of Ou812's flamboyant admin abuse in the Happy Chair Clan, the Dalek Objectivist Empire (D.O.E. for short) was to be a safe haven for those who sided with Shadgrimgrvy's administration. Since then, it's turned into something much...much worse. Now, the D.O.E. is Shad's way of rectifying in his own mind the needs of the individual, venture capitalists and free trade with his lust for power and his desire to create a master race in his image. Here in the D.O.E. the mental anguish of our leader is laid bare for all to see. Watch as one Dalek struggles with his own lust for extermination and the needs of his people.
In the intervening years the D.O.E. has seen the rise and fall of many hotshot administrators, including Ou812 himself. But our goal has always been the same: to become the ubermensch, to exterminate all inferior lifeforms and become the sole economic authority in the solar system.
Anything less would be failure.
The Administration:
Shadgrimgrvy (God Emperor of Dalek-Kind): A man who believes in free trade and the undeniable power of money. Sometimes people ask him "Shad, how much cash you got?" and he tells them, " I gots loads of money you chav!"
Chanel (Treasurer Dalek): I consider myself a pretty likeable person. I'm allergic to peanuts, shell fish, cotton, wheat, yeast, and pretty much all glutons.
Leobachi (Meteorologist Dalek): The specific true event of my birth: In 1993, a magical hummingbird visited the people of Sothern California fortelling the birth of Leobachi. Later that year the prophecy was fulfilled atop mount shafter, the highest mountain ever. Leobachi emerged, walking out from his mother's patriotic and revolutionary vagina six months prematurely and without the aid of a physician, thus rendering the southern californian medical community irellevant. In shame, all doctors fled our great and innovative empire never to return.
Obtuse_goose (Saucer Commander): In the midst of certain death, Obtuse dove, plunger first, into the maws of god and sacrificed himself for the glory of the Dalek Objectivist Empire. His spirit lives on within all of our hollowed shells.
Ramzca (Dalek who's full of Himself): Being this smug isn't something you can simply learn, it's an art. I was born with it. It is within my veins. (In a last minute turn of events, the leaders of the world coupled with DOE were able to award Haydn "Ramzca" Chapman with the title "Least Likable Human Being". This trumped the former champ, Adolf Hitler, by a whole ten votes!)
Rickman (Dalek Intelligence Officer): Space.
Remember: Make Huge Money, not Hegemony™
D.O.E Approved Games™:
BATTLE TANX Global Assault (N64)
NO FUN EVER[www.nofunever.com]
Haydn's Youtube Page
Shad's Rarely Updated Blog[shadgrimgrvy.blogspot.com]No information given.No information given.