(Matheus Silva)
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- 05.01.2012
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- No information given.Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games have confirmed that they revamped the entire killstreak reward system.
They have stated that while Treyarch had slightly improved the system, it was not enough to make the system feel perfect.
Killstreaks are now known as pointstreaks, and kills are no longer the only way to increase the player's pointstreak.
Completing objectives such as planting the bomb in "Search and Destory" or capturing a flag in "Capture The Flag" will award points towards the player's pointstreak.
Pointstreaks rewards are organized into three different "strike packages" called Assault, Support, and Specialist.
The Assault strike package works the same as the killstreak reward system in Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops, offering rewards like the predator drone and helicopters.
The Support strike package offers support-style rewards such as UAVs and SAM Turrets. Rewards from the support strike package do not reset when the player dies, but accumulate over the course of a match.
The Specialist strike package rewards players with perks of their choosing after every second consecutive kill.
After eight kills, they will receive every perk in the game, but will reset back to none upon death.
Players are allowed to choose which pointstreak rewards they want to use when they gain it during the match, rather than choosing them between rounds.
Modern Warfare3 Web site[www.callofduty.com]
Official Fanpage: Call of Duty MW 3 ®[www.facebook.com]No information given.No information given.