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- Дата регистрации
- 01.01.2012
- О себе
- No information given.Mission Statement:
This group is protesting the fact that trading changed on Februrary, 14, 2012. We want to restore the old TF2 in-game trading, the way it was Pre-2012. It was FASTER and EASIER. The newer more current trading system lags, is glitch-prone, and it's rather difficult to find a weapon that you need to sell or trade. And it has an unrealiable design and system to it, During important trading sessions, i've crashed or have been disconnected from the trade for no apparent reason. and the other person was confused, and replied with: Try again, It takes minutes to get it back up. and sometimes, it dosen't work it all. It is rather glitchy, and could use some fixing.. This is why we don't like it. The older one NEVER did this.. It was nowhere near as glitch-prone. and it was quick n' easy. And fun too.. This isn't just nostalgia we're longing for. It's something that the old had, that the new dosen't have.. Ya know what i'm sayin? Update 2015: This Total 100% Garunteed Bull-Shit about trades being held, email confirmation, etc. This is only getting worse. People need to stop what valve is doing! It's overly tight laws on trade, Making trade useless to many people, Especially those wanting to give each other gifts immediatly, It defeats the purpose of it in the first place, They are making the trades much worse! The time for talking is over, The time to act is now. We cannot afford the luxury of not doing anything about this. It is our time to act. No one else will act for us, We must be the ones to do it, Or this will only get WORSE!
Update 2017: ..... Why Valve? Why do this shit?
Another Update: 2017: Oh, And It's A Pity Valve Wrongfully VAC Bans FOR NO REASON, JUST TO BAN PEOPLE. There's proof of this too because I wasn't even playing a game when i was banned. But I got banned from TF2 for No Reason "WHATSOEVER" I HAVE A CLEAN RECORD, KEEP THAT IN MIND, AND EVERYONE WHO KNOWS ME KNOWS THAT V.A.C IS BROKEN AS FUCK, AS WELL AS ALL OF VALVE, VALVE IS STUPID RIGHT NOW. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/VACIsAFlawedSystem And the valve filters on links are despicable too. I'm pretty ashamed of valve at this point. They are pretty brazen.No information given.No information given.