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О себе
"You are not wrong, who deem that my days have been a dream...All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allan Poe
►Spirit Never Die◄

Discord: SpiritWeaver#5649https://discord.gg/epzhS5X we have moved here, steam group chat is the bad thing
Non-ancaps are welcome.
This steam group does not censor popular or unpopular opinions. Come as you are!

You can also join us in the group chat room! Come and say hi! :)

Information, discussions and requirements about the server belongs here:
Forum Post

Do you have a game server that you want ancaps to play on? Come and tell us in the chat and we will add you to this list!
Chat rules:1. Don't make the chat unusable. -- For instance no unreadable/fast spam. [Temporary or permanent ban]
2. Follow the non-aggression principle -- For instance no serious threats or unavoidable invasions of privacy.
[Permanent ban]

Appealing:1. Make a post in the ban appeals forum under your name.
2. If the mod cannot demonstrate a rule violation the ban will be overturned.

Mod rules:1. If you ban someone from chat who appeals in the forum and the ban is overturned with cause you will lose your modship for at least 1 month.
2. You are not exempt from chat rules.

Links to information about anarcho capitalism can be found here:
Forum Post

For anyone (particularly from reddit) who has been reading all the buttmaddery about those of us who left the other steam group, here are my reddit posts about it in reverse order: http://www.reddit.com/user/mal_lod/

Anarcho-capitalism (Wikipedia)[en.wikipedia.org]
Voluntaryism (Wikipedia)[en.wikipedia.org]
The Non-aggression principle (Wikipedia)[en.wikipedia.org]No information given.No information given.