Un gansito trotamundos

Un gansito trotamundos

(De Celis)
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О себе
Gabinete DeepCool Matrexx55
Placa madre asus rog strix B-550 f
Procesador amd ryzen 7 5800X
Tarjeta de video MSI GAMING TRIO 3070ti 8GB
4x Ram Kingston Predator rgb 8gb 3200 MHZ DDR4
Refrigeracion Liquida Aorus Liquid Cooler 280
Fuente de Poder gigabyte 750 modular 80 plus gold
Monitor Gear M2444P 24"
Monitor Riotoro SR2405R 165Hz 24" x2
Teclado Tier one Titan rgb
Mouse Razer Naga RGB
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